Photography is about moments, listening, seeing, touching, holding, moving and being still. I am an artist, explorer, foodie, fashionista, Mama and tree hugging dirt worshiper.
It all started in the junk drawer of my Ma's primitive cherry hutch where all random treasures could be found. My absolute favorites were the 35mm Kodak Instamatic with flash cubes and the scattered pictures of times past. The possiblities the rectangular camera could provide for me were endless and my passion was ignited.
Photography has been a significant part of my life for the past 16 years. It has led me to many memorable and interesting paths and continues to hold new beginnings, locations and clients. Again endless possiblities and continued passion.
Knights Art Foundation, Christiana Health Care, Brandywine River Museum, Adzuka Theatre Co., Art Reach, Wallingford Community Arts Center, Chester Housing Authority, Share our Strengths Taste of the Nation, The Delaware Contemporary, Harry's Hospitality Group, Northlite Advertising, Media Proper, Paper and Posh and Hakuna Hospitality are some of the clients that I have had the pleasure to work with.